Older and Enjoying Life?

Older and Enjoying Life?

Monday, March 12, 2007

You're only as old as you FEEL?

Well, I suppose that may be true...we've all heard it enough anyway! Did you ever see a 60-year-old that you thought was over 80? About one that you thought "might be" 40-or-so? Why do you suppose that's the way it works? Good genes or good JEANS?
Did you know that people that are active actually age less? Then, why is it that so many of us are unhealthy, inactive, couch potato types? Is exercise a "four-letter" word?
Only one in five New York adults engages in the regular and sustained physical activity that is needed to reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and other health problems which lead to premature death or disability (according to a recent joint CDC and New York State Health Department survey).
So, you don't live in New York so you don't have to worry, right? Well...NOT. What's the big deal about exercising anyway? Why do so many people hate it so much? It's NOT fun? Nah...we are just too busy to be bothered! That's for "older" people that "need" it...girls, that's US! Horror! We're getting there and we're UNhealthier than our parents were at our age, even though we are gonna live LONGER!

Regular physical exercise can:

  • Reduce your level of anxiety (there's that STRESS level again).
  • Help you manage stress more effectively.
  • Improve your positive self-esteem and confidence (motivation and confidence again).
  • Help alleviate depression (poor me).
  • Improve your appearance (beauty tips, too!).
  • Help you relax (aahhh...a great massage).
  • Combat the likelihood of many degenerative problems (UNhealthiness).
  • Improve your overall quality of life (now you're talkin').
  • Teach you about goal setting and dedication (and get rid of that J.O.B., too!).
  • Assist in efforts to stop smoking (even though I do, I am planning to quit stinkin' up the environment soon).
  • Help to relieve and prevent migraine headache attacks.
  • Help you sleep more restfully (and I have a snorer to live with, too!).
  • Help improve your immune system (better energy levels, etc.).

The all-important first step...get off the couch and outta the house! Walk the dog, go walk around your yard, clean up the toilets...MOVE IT or lose it, as they say. More tips and some fabulous info at AHealthCafe. They offer free seminars and newsletters...check it out.

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